Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Aw Aw Aw CHOO!

Hay season is in full swing around here . . . this means long days, sunburns, weather checks, and coolers full of water. It also meant pulling a bit of tansy - over a ton in one field.

It also means scheduling, checking the weather, monitoring equipment and a full cart of grub at Costco.

Oh, and did I mention - we are always checking the weather?!

Susie and Gauge are home. This little guy is irresistable.

Shop truck on standby

Saturday, June 11, 2011

From the Warden

Sten has informed us that his friends refer to our home as the peniteniary. Upon further questioning it turns out that it's because we don't let him do whatever he wants. Hmmm, we thought that was called parenting. Stay tuned for a DIY tutorial on installing razor wire and guard posts at your home. Love you Stennie - don't forget it.