Friday, July 29, 2011

Shall We?

Now that hay season is FINALLY over, we can settle down to the rest of the summer. We have a partially filled barn (Sten has already sold quite a bit) and I have always longed to have a formal dinner in the barn or in the open hay field. These pics are from events that are hosted by a group called Outstanding in the Field. Check them out here. Obviously our version would be on a much smaller scale, but it would still be a kick.

A friend alerted me to another group that hosts similar events - check them out here

Shopping Alert

I am not a seamstress - let's be honest. I am a quick stitch, vroom vroom, whip it out , if I must rip it out - lots of whining sewer (should that be sower instead of sewer like icky poo?). HOWEVER, a trip to this store is absolutely dreamy. Whenever parts must be grabbed or delivered to Portland, I am quick to volunteer my services. This week, the parts were near this 1.5 acre fabric store. Bummer Dude! I escaped with a minor debit to my account but the 2 hours I spent there were just as therapeutic as a trip to the spa. Don't watch the clock - plan to spend some time here. Word of advice: for ultimate enjoyment - leave husband, kids and small farm animals at home.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Care to join us?

A few months back, this was the scene . . .

Flash forward a few months when we (finally) get some warmth and here sits the same chairs. We had this pergola on the deck and never really liked it there - so we transplanted the beast and it has definitely found it's rightful home. The curtains are made from canvas dropcloth (a popular fabric these days).

Just for fun, I set "the table" and we dined together
I love this fabric I grabbed (from Fabric Depot) - it is rows and rows of ruffles in a nylon type fabric. Very light, whispy, summery and romantic.

Look at this Mom

These new pants have an exciting life ahead - they are sure to come in contact with copious amounts of grease, dung, dirt, general grunge, and filth. Apparently the "old" jeans are only 6months, but have had an adventurouse life on this young chap. They can also look forward to multiple washings after being swept off the mound of clothes heaped on his floor.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Congratulations are in Order!

Route for today:
1. Take Sten to DMV where he passes his driving test
2. Attempt to talk myself out of worry
3. Drop by the pharmacy for large dose of parental sedative
4. Attempt to talk myself out of worry
5. Rob a bank to pay the insurance premium (an increase of 483.00)
6. Attempt to talk myself out of worry
Anxiety? Who me?

Fair Rat

Maren could not get enough of the farm animals - falling in love with EVERY goat/sheep/pig
She participated in a stick horse competition. Maren looked forward to this with great anticipation and her poor teenage cousin was not as thrilled.

Fair Time

Cleaning Stalls -
Watching the others . . .
Milah participated in 4 events - showmanship, trail, western equitation, and working rancher. Before each event, the kids are given a pattern that they must memorize and complete under the supervision of a judge. They are scored on their poise, dress, and control of their horse. Milah received 1 blue ribbon and 2 red ribbons and a white ribbon.
There was a costume competition just for fun -
After the intensity of the last few days - Milah crashed. I finally awakened her after a 3 hour nap. Notice a freaky Milah trait - from birth, she has always slept with her eyes squinted a bit open. Creepy -

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Sale Alert

Once a year, for a few weeks, this wholesale nursery is open to the public. They offer awesome deals on plants (I have bought entire flats for 1$). Time for a little confession - I actually get butterflies in my stomach on the way to this sale. Also, as it nears the end, the deals get better so you have to go several times. I've nearly had to tie the kids to the roof to get home after heaping the car with bargain perennnials. This year, the sale starts July 19th and it will run for 2-3 weeks. Maybe I'll see you there!

Hey Hay it's your Birthday!

No this is not a "senior" picture, but it will be soon enough. Sten is turning 16 in 4 days. What happened to that little towhead in the backseat chattering about tractors and monster trucks from his perch in the carseat? A blink, a nod and a few runny noses later - he's a young man. Sten is a character with a calm and witty personality. He's a bit redneck (maybe a large percentage), part comedian, part Mr. Fix-it, and part "Good Guy." He would run through hot coals for his sisters, and is the perfect mix of "toughness" and sensitivity. He is loyal, fair and a hard worker. Although not crazy about school- his sharp mind, his skills, tenacity, and friendly nature will serve him well (after he escapes the penitentiary). Happy Birthday Stennie.
The cast of characters

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Is she a Classic Yet?

Many moons ago (before there was air) this was Scott's ride. A 1976 240D Mercedes. In anticipation of a need for more hay storage, he moved this out of the barn.

The girls were incredibly excited over these "new" wheels. Maren had a friend over and flippantly pointed in the direction of the car (one hand on her hip) - "That's our Mercedes - a Mercedes is an old fashioned car." (Oh, if she only knew)

Sten does not seem to share their enthusiasm. The resurrection of this automobile is a mere week from his 16th birthday. Hmmm, I think the insurance rate for a 16 yr old male in an ancient german-made tank shouldn't be too bad???


4th of July means peddling fireworks on behalf of the swim club. The kids always enjoy getting dressed up for the occasion.

Our Marketing Team

A slow moment allows for a quick snooze

Milah Moo and Ronie Too

Part of being in 4H is participating in parades. This means "hurry up get there" and then "sit around for hours". I think Ronie was ecstatic about her attire tho-way to show some spirit girls!

New Floor Old Barn

Scott and the kids completed an update in the barn recently. They replaced rotten floor boards and made a stall area with a sliding stall front. Milah is high stylin' now - and things are look'n officially horsey around there.

Summer Fun!

Off to the Vet we Go . . .

Danner apparently tangled with the wrong sharp toothed critter and suffered a casualty. The rip in his ear required stitches and as always, he was a beast at the vet. He saves his meanest growl for them and they have learned to muzzle him because I think he would take a chunk out of 'em. We have tried to convince them that he is "Mr. Mellow", but they look at us very skeptically and nod their heads

Monday, July 4, 2011

Danner was tormented by the "bonnet" and bandages. He was constantly trying to shake loose of them.

Child Labor

Maren had a tooth barely hanging for a week, and it finally fell out on Saturday. We'll spare you the gruesome photos of wiggly teeth (nasty). She also got some new spectacles -

I discovered this site just the other day. It is an online job chart that your child logs into each day and checks off tasks as they are completed. So far, Maren has unloaded dirty dishes out of the dishwasher and placed them back in the cupboards and taken 3 showers a day - eager to stack up her "points." When all jobs are checked off, the child gets a round of applause. My favorite is that you can send notes back and forth between parent and child. Milah's first note to me was, "this is by far the stupidest thing you have done in years Mom." Ahhh, warms a mother's heart.

Sunday, July 3, 2011


You never know what a day brings . . . today our neighbor requested Sten's services as a beekeeper when a swarm developed near their house. Seems as tho the mighty logger is deathly afraid of bees (I'm right there with him) and begged Sten's assistance. Sten admitted to being a little creeped out and nervous about the task.