Friday, November 26, 2010

Winter Wonderland

"Perhaps you'd like to be seated outdoors?"
Scott and Sherman eagerly await an opportunity to use this snowblower. Man like power tool. Man beat on chest. Girl stay in warm house, sip hot chocolate.
Zippety do dah - tearing up the skating rink. Maren nearly took out every person in a two hour period. Sten thinks his middle name is "Opollo", Milah is the figure skater, and Scott is "Mr. Gretzky".

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Over the River and through the Woods!

These three have a difficult time spending 10 minutes together in the backseat of a pickup, so imagine my surprise to peek behind me and catch this scene. All together now, "Aaaahhh."

We cheat just a little at Thanksgiving time - heading to the Great Hall for dinner. Leslie cooked a turkey at home so we can enjoy leftovers too.

Sten wasn't too eager to have a matching skirt . . . I fell in love with these muslin petticoat skirts that had an "overskirt". The original idea called for burlap, but I figured that would cause a barrage of complaints due to the itch factor.

Run Kids Run

After a long Thanksgiving dinner, it's always best to let the husband children run off some steam. What better way than a snowball feud?

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Snow Bunnies

Let it Snow!

What sweeter words to a kid then, "It's a snow day!" I think we may have a steady stream of kids arriving soon to play in th-th-th the cold white stuff. The girls wasted no time enjoying the day off and I will soon be hollering to put the boots/hats/gloves/mittens/scarves/coats in ONE PLACE!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Two steps forward, one step back

Sten spent 2 blissful days working on his truck. I think it's in the "must get worse, before it gets better" state. As you can see the front clip, the cab and the bed have been removed. The next step is to paint the frame and decide whether he's going to use a Dodge (making it a Fummins or Forge) or stick with a Ford Powerstroke engine.

Can you spot the differences?

Maren came home from school a few weeks ago and informed me that she had some difficulty with the eye screening at school. Sure enough, the nurse called to let us know that we should have further testing done. It turns out that Mare Mare is near sighted and needs glasses. When the optometrist showed her how she was seeing and how she was supposed to see, she exclaimed, "WOW!" I guess I deserve the "bad mommy" award for the week. (it was a little chilly and windy out on those railroad tracks, as you can probably tell)

Meanwhile, Sten decided to shave his stylish locks as his swim goggles are getting tangled in his hair. He sported a mohawk during dinner, but quickly shaved it off last night.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A round of applause, please

Last night we attended Sten's water polo awards ceremony where he earned a Varsity letter and received the "most improved" award. Flanked by the patriarchs.

Alinya was quite smitten with Sten. I love the look on her face as she is looking up at him and I love the swift and firm hand reaching to grab the disruptive munchkin popping into the screen. They were mocking Alinya a bit - she likes to suck her thumb and twist her "pomies" (ponytails) at the same time.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Popcorn Anyone?

The Swim Club staffs a booth at OSU Home football games as a fundraiser. Scott is the labor supervisor and coordinator, and he has recruited family members and unsuspecting friends to fill positions. The club gets 11% of the total sales, which totals 800-1000$ per game. We are thrilled with this as it means less garage sales, bake sales and car washes. Pssst - if he calls inquiring about your Saturday plans - I suggest you tell him that you plan to be out of town.

Sherman and Mr. J - cashiers

Eager customers awaiting their hot chocolate and popcorn (while enduring a miserable game in the rain).

"Professor Popcorn" - Sten on the right and Team VDB on the left

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Polo Wrap-up

The water polo team made it to State but were bumped out in the first game. They weren't expected to win - but they gave it a good shot. The team they lost to ended up 3rd in the State - so they did awesome overall.

Pep talk before the game - Stennie Winnie Boo Boo (name given by his sisters) is #14

The football players wear their jerseys in the halls and "strut their stuff". Hmmm, wonder why the polo players don't want to wear those cute little bonnets (and those skimpy swimsuits)???

Pillow Wars

Pillow fighting at this house is dirty business. Competition is fierce and the children have been coached by their father on proper technique for maximum damage. You must first stuff the pillow all the way to the bottom of the case and then wind the pillowcase tightly, making each connection a fierce and painful blow. Listen close and you can hear both girls claiming alliance with Scott's team. Disclaimer: No children were harmed, maimed or bruised in this video and never mind the shirtless 7 year old - apparently she was overheated. Note to overnight guests - you may want to bring your own pillows:)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Good Morning Sunshine

The last few days, we have been shrouded in thick soupy fog while the valleys are clear. This morning was a flip flop and we awoke to bright sun - hooray! I loved the view as it looks like the valley has been "frosted" with vanilla icing by an expert and steady hand. Off in the distance is Mt. Jefferson.

Sometimes I have so many ideas bouncing around in my head, it's difficult to sleep. However, since I cleaned my creative area - I've been thoroughly uninspired. I don't think creativity and cleanliness can live in the same house (at least not THIS one). Time to get busy -

Projects await me -