A great concept - instead of being miserable that you don't excel in certain areas - use your strengths or natural talents to succeed. A key part of this book is an online test that the reader takes to identify their strengths. There is a one-time code that accesses the test and my bargain book's code had already been used. However I found a similar test here. Interesting results.
Milah and I are similar in strengths, with our greatest weakness being salesmanship (big surprise). Maren's top strength was salesmanship (go figure) and it was close to the top of Sten's list as well. Scott has blown off the exercise entirely - sure that's gotta mean something. Try it out - it's kind-a fun.
While you're at it - take the Jung Personality test too - you will be shocked at how "right on" the descriptions are.
Milah is a duty fulfiller: capable, logical, reasonable and an effective individual with a deeply driven desire to promote security and peaceful living. Maren is an inspirer: charming, ingenuous, risktaking, sensitive, people oriented individual with capabilities ranging a broad spectrum. Sten is the doer: practical, observant, fun loving, spontaneous risk taker with an excellent ability to quickly improvise an innovative solution to a problem. Scott is a mechanic and I am an idealist. All these misfits under one roof. I think they call that a "family".