Sunday, October 28, 2012

Straight Jacket Sunday

I'm not fond of mice.  We've covered that already. 

Yesterday, we rode in Katrina (the ghost riddled Mercedes wagon) to Milah's soccer game.  Upon exiting the vehicle - Scott spotted a small mouse on the passenger floorboard.  He quickly escorted it from the car, while I shivered and screached.

On the way home, I heard a small squeak - glanced at my feet and spotted another mouse.  The screaming escaped my terrified lips and somehow I levitated my person so I was nearly parallel with the ceiling - demanding the car be stopped immediately.  Unreasonable reaction?  Uhhh, I don't think so.

This afternoon, we spotted another mouse - this time on the driver's side. 

Three meeces?  I'm so over that car. 

I'm gonna fill it with traps and poison cuz if one of those little creatures drops on my foot while I'm driving, there will be carnage on the freeway. 

Sten has fittingly renamed the car - the "Mousedes". It's going cheap folks, any takers?  

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