Friday, January 9, 2009

We're Hitting the Oregon Trail

On Monday, Scott received news that he was losing his job. Soooo, we are returning home. We are in the midst of packing boxes, and we had a moving sale today. The weather was not too yard -sale -ish as it was blowing and snowing, but we did get rid of quite a few things. We have discovered that Scott runs a mean yard sale . . . I was bargaining with people and he gave me more than one dirty look across the crowded garage.

Our former babysitter and neighbor, Susie, flew from San Diego to help us with this monumental project. She had the week off before starting the new term, and volunteered (crazy person) to come to Colorado and work like a dog. We certainly didn't turn down her offer of assistance, and we will forever owe her a VERY BIG favor - thanks Susie!

1 comment:

Janelle said...

Oh wow! When are you leaving? Hope your move goes well back to Oregon. Do you have a job to go back to there? I hope it all works out well for you.