Friday, May 7, 2010

Every table tells a story

I sent my father on a Craigslist run to grab this treasure, he's always agreeable to these missions as I get my zest for ad shopping from him. It is an old farmhouse table and is extremely shabby. The pic above shows how the tabletop looked as it sat on the table - it was burned and had a few patches of motor oil.

He turned the tongue and groove boards over and nailed them down - thanks Dad

Scott then cut off one of the legs because it sat a little wibble wobble due to a bit of dry rot (imagine it). Then he took the belt sander and cleaned up the boards leaving some blue. I stained the top and threw a price tag on it. I know it's not everyone's style, but this authentic shabby furniture is a rage while others would throw it on the nearest burn pile.

Update: this table sold within a day after placing it in the store. My Dad encouraged, demanded, and sternly directed me to sell it for more $$$. So, I sheepishly went in the store to check on increasing the price (a little tacky, I know), but it was missing! Scott ratted me out to Mr. Pa Fix-it and I think I might be grounded. My friend, Kristen was the thrilled purchaser, so I'll know she'll treasure it, and we can even go visit it occasionally.

1 comment:

Myra @ Busy Hands Quilts said...

Mrs. Shabby - It sure looks like your havin' fun! Love it!

Mrs. Hearts