Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Just being Neighborly

A neighbor summoned me for help in decorating her living room. She is not a frilly teacup and china sort of lady, but an outdoorsy, farmy kind of gal. The red shaker bench was my inspiration and from there, we searched for 3 more benches(psst, Craigslist) - and then all the treasures to sit on them. She has an eye for grabbing good things at garage sales and since I know where the key to her house is, I warned her not to be too shocked if there seems to be a few items missing.

She has an entry area where we plan to put partially rusty corrogated tin (sealing it first) up the wall 2/3 of the way with her coat rack on top.

1 comment:

amydee said...

Come be my neighbor!