Sunday, July 11, 2010


July 11th is Sten and Maren's birthday - we're considering changing Milah's birthday to the same date and we'd have them all done at once. We ran to a park this evening and a few special people joined us. Maren is 7 and Sten is (eek) 15. This means that we will soon be headed through the doors at the DMV and soon after, Sten will need large amounts of duct tape to keep his mother quiet in the seat beside him.

Extremely fancy cake with delicately and creatively arranged candles

Enthusiastic partygoers, and an awesome shot of "the goat". Scott seems to have a follicle adventure of some proportion every few years - this time it's the facial hair. I think he's headed for some plaiting and beads, but I'm not real certain - stay tuned . . .
Reese and Carsten "towing" Milah

Mike and Rhonda

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