Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Community Service

This project began with a phone call from a friend requesting some help with a stage design. The theme was "Down on the Farm" and what better place to start but a barn . . .

John and Scott scratching their heads and wishing I would keep my "bright idea" moments to a little smaller scale. After the frame was fastened together, we then stretched drop cloth over the frame and painted it.

Western Style building

Ain't she adorable?

I grabbed a few farm things that were laying around, "borrowed" the cow for the week from someone's yard (who thought I was crazy), and of course used a few fresh bales of hay (do you think they taste better than the old stuff?) I think it turned out perfect, but I'm not too sure that I'll volunteer for this again. I did not paint the doors or loft on the barn - a girl that is an amazing artist helped me out - I think I'll be calling her again.

1 comment:

jessica said...

and you got to use your very rustic "free" red chair! you are a very thrifty woman!!