Thursday, April 23, 2009

Catching Up . . .

I thought these shirts were rather fitting . . .
Please don't look at the dust on the stairs -
I'm done dusting things off until we're finished!

Milah and Maren had a lap-a-thon for the swim team.
Milah completed 84 laps and Maren did 32 laps in an hour!
YIKES - they were exhausted and starving.

Our bedroom floor before faux finisher arrived. We had hired a company to refinish some floors, and decided we would start in our bedroom and see how they did. We ended up firing them, because they were extremely unreliable and didn't seem to have a clue what they were doing.

After grinding on the floor, taping the walls, and coloring and sealing the floor - it looks much better.

Ta Da!

I can't seem to get rid of this duplicate picture - I know I've done this before, but my brain won't engage this morning - must be filled with dust.


Didge said...

What a job title 'faux finisher'...cracks me up. It looked amazing bad before she got there and amazingly good when she left. Is it shiny or was it wet? Looks like a good place to split open a chin or something! No wet feet allowed!

jessica said...

Yeah! Your room is done...can you move into it yet? Although you have made the living room into a cozy little nook... :)