Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Cough cough, Oink oink

I seem to have come down with something that resembles the dreaded Swine Flu . . .

Those of you who know me well, would know that I generally always, pretty much often, more than is necessary - jump to the worst possible scenario in my mind. So, when I came down with a sore throat and body aches, I told Scott that I thought I had the Swine Flu. And, if you know him, you would know - that he blows off everything as medically insignificant (unless a leg is severed) - so he had a good laugh at me. I'm feeling much better now - so, I guess I'll put a hold on that cemetery plot for now until the next plague comes along. Until then, I'll just have to harass Scott as much as possible.


kaschim said...

Darling Husband sounds like mine

CabinFever said...

Hey, great to hear from you. I loved seeing pics of your family on Con and Heidi's blog - they are adorable and can't believe how Zoe is looking so grown up.

Didge said...

please don't use your husband as a sounding board when it comes to whether to take an ilness or injury seriously! Yikes! This is the guy who gets metal stuck in his eye and then goes on working. Of course I am also remembering the words 'somethin's gotta give'! But then you are the granddaughter of a man who pulls a fishhook out of his finger and keeps on fishin so on that note, I don't really trust either of your judgement. Maybe you'd better call the Dr.