Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I may be fired soon from my occasional "parts runner" assignment as I tend to get distracted. This U-G-L-Y headboard was also a freebie at Habitat (in LaPine) and was a quick stop (honest). I contemplated what to do with this beauty all the way home and with the coming surge of Country fans to our area due to this, I decided a Western style would be good . . .

Another product promotion - I think this stuff is made for women who are tired of waiting for their husbands to help them attempting to complete projects on their own. I used it to attach the barn boards to the headboard - but I'm pretty sure I could build a house with it.

Saved from the kindling pile, for now.

We grabbed a bunch of old wood off Craigslist, and I am trying to use up every lineal foot with hand lettered signs. I have many that are duds, but this one turned out cute.


jessica said...

that headboard is ADORABLE!!! i want it! now i just need to do a quick addition to build a room in which to put it....

Janelle said...

Your creativity never ceases to amaze me. I love it. :)

amydee said...

That headboard turned out so cute! That might just win the prize in the ugliest-item-turned-cute contest!

Myra @ Busy Hands Quilts said...

Too cute!

Mrs. Hearts~

Lenaya said...

So when are you going to re-do my house?!!! Love it!

Deborah@Green Willow Pond said...

Never in a million years would I have come up with that...out of that! That's cuter than a freckle on a bugs behind...yeeha!