Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Dad's Sweet Ride

Dad & Mom have a "little thing" for vintage travel trailers. It's way uncool to pull one with a modern truck, so they have been searching, for a retro tow rig. Voila! This 1960 Ford will definitely work, complete with stylin' canopy (the windows on the other side are not broken). Of course, the boys at this house have some grand plans for it as well - I think it may include swapping the engine out with a powerhouse that will leave people scratching their heads wondering what old contraption just blew past 'em.

Shopping Alert

Yes, the dollar store is a favorite. There are some bargains for a buck - but the toy aisle is loaded with junk that barely survives its trip to the car. We've had more than a few tears shed after a disappointing experience with those cheap-o handcuffs. No matter how much they were warned about the shabby quality - they were always shocked when an arm broke off, in the process of detaining their first felon.

However, I spotted these fake mustaches at a quick glance - a sure bet for a few laughs and only $1! Better grab a few packs - never know when a stache will come in handy.

Monday, March 26, 2012

911 to the Basement!

These harmless little creatures can make me scream like a . . . like a girl. I isolated a noise that I assumed was a mouse stuck inside a pot in the basement. I am slighty embarrassed to admit that I did not even have the nerve to open the lid and peer inside. Instead, I called in the "critter abatement team" who quickly confirmed my hunch and took care of the innocent rodent.

It's one of those fringe benefits of marriage. That is HIS department. Mouse traps give me the creeps, dead mice make me squirm, live mice hopping around in a pot send me over the edge. Thank you dear husband for coming to my rescue.

Friday, March 23, 2012

I love my Dinosaur

Despise is not a strong enough word for what I felt when an overhead projector was used in class. I hated the squeaky sound of the markers and sitting in a stinky room with 25 sweaty 6th graders, copying mountains of notes from it's glare. Today, these dudes are nearly extinct.

I am so not an artist - I cannot draw a thing. However, this dandy dinosaur is going to help me evolve into a sham artist cuz I can print things out, and by golly - I can trace real good!

The school is letting me "borrow" this creature, until it is officially turned to surplus. One of 200, I'm sure. At that time, she'll be all mine and I will cherish my very own overhead projector. Who woulda thunk it?

Decor on the Cheap

I have enjoyed designing window displays at a local florist. As with many design projects, the request is to make it look awesome, using a budget of $1.75 or less! This tends to make one look at ordinary objects in a unique way. A paper bag banner and tin can planters make a statement without putting a dent in the budget.

This wheat grass was amazing. The second picture is less than a week after the first picture. The stuff grows FAST and it is unmistakably springy.

I gave it a "haircut" after this picture

More of the White Stuff

Not 1, but 2 snow days! We had about 11 inches total - a near record amount. The power was out for over 24 hours and, as usual, our house became "snow fun headquarters" for the kids' friends.

Sten's orange machine did double duty. He used an old Ford hood, turned upside down as a giant sled - with the old Kubota towing his cronies.

My least favorite part of snow days - PILES of laundry and dirty boots

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Honored Guests

We were lucky enough to have these two as honored guests recently. Pssst, the one on the left can really cook (didn't hear it from me tho). Hurry back!

Go Beavs!

There is no question about where this family sits in the statewide struggle of Beavers vs Ducks.

Especially this kid.
Especially when she sat on the floor.
Especially when she got a hug from Benny.

One of the girls favorite gymnasts, Brittany Harris is just behind in the OS shirt.

Grandpa & Milah - showing off their celebrity status with courtside seats.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Kitchen Canvas

I had an "aha" moment yesterday. I noticed a dry erase marker beside the cooktop. Hmmm, me thinks . . . dry erase + glass surface = giant white board. Imagine the possibilities!

A note that I will likely see on occasion!

A note I hope to see on occasion!
Oh, and I'll be waiting for a love note. Hint Hint

Friday, March 9, 2012

Sentimental Treasures

During this "transition" period, we are spending an exorbitant amount of time in our small home office.


Sitting side by side

For hours

For days

Although small, it is perfect and I love the hand-me-down vintage treasures that we are surrounded by- especially their connection to the past. It's impossible to look at these things and not remember the loved ones they belonged to. To most people, they would mean nothing and have very little value - but they are special because we remember the hands that used them - they are big in our hearts.
We start by clocking in first thing in the morning (not really). This time clock was a bit of a splurge a few years back as a Father's Day present. I spied it at an antique mall and tried to shove it out of my mind. When I ventured back a few weeks later, it was still there - I could hear it calling me from the parking lot. It actually works and I love the authentic wear and greasiness from years of use.
Old ledgers and time books are way cool. The stapler was used by Scott's grandma and the asphalt calculator was my grandpa's.
A small collection of vintage toy typewriters - from great aunt, Ebay (Wow - she's your aunt too?)
Scott's grandpa's real estate sign.
From my grandparents - was at the bottom of their road. Big deal -it's just a wooden sign with letters routed on it. No, that combination of letters is meaningful. As a girl, I would have uncontrollable butterflies in my stomach when I saw this sign, because it meant that we would soon be at their doorstep.

I guess someday our grandchildren will be heaped with loads of stuff that they will likely take to the trash cuz it's just a bunch of junk to them. Charles and Vivian or Dick Schuller will have no meaning. Sad but true.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

This is called Rambling . . .

With 4 swimmers in our house, we have a heaping basket of swim goggles. Maren was reorganizing her swim bag tonight and explaining to me just how important goggles are to competitive swimmers. She mentioned that once at a swim meet, she was on the starting blocks and just before the whistle blew, she realized that her goggles were upside down. She didn't have time to fix them and consequently swam poorly in the race. I replied, "You didn't do that bad." She shook her head slightly, gave me a look like "get a clue" and said, "Mom" - I got 11th place. Do you have any idea what color the ribbon is for 11th place? (Paused for emphasis, thinking I would know this) It's brown, MOM - the ribbon for 11th place is brown. Apparently the brown 11th place ribbon is beyond disgusting.

In other news - I noticed Maren was wearing one of Sten's tshirts to bed. When I casually asked her what the deal was, she said it was because she likes the smell of him. He smells good, so says she.

Unlike the dog who has apparently been frolicking in cow poop. Sheesh! I guess we'll have to dress Danner in one of Sten's shirts to see if we can get him smelling any better.

For the record, Sten recently won 1st place in a mechanical skills competition at the local community college. 3 cheers to Sten! Him's a smart feller and a good smeller to boot.


We have 3 children in this home. Why is it when they are asked to pick up an item, take something to their room, or clean up an area - they suddenly claim no ownership or responsibility? It is ALWAYS the other kid's problem/stuff. Maren's latest trick is to say that she has "outgrown" the item in question - could've got it just last week, but it doesn't fit now!

All kids have brain damage, isn't that how it goes? Maybe it's me?