Wednesday, March 7, 2012

This is called Rambling . . .

With 4 swimmers in our house, we have a heaping basket of swim goggles. Maren was reorganizing her swim bag tonight and explaining to me just how important goggles are to competitive swimmers. She mentioned that once at a swim meet, she was on the starting blocks and just before the whistle blew, she realized that her goggles were upside down. She didn't have time to fix them and consequently swam poorly in the race. I replied, "You didn't do that bad." She shook her head slightly, gave me a look like "get a clue" and said, "Mom" - I got 11th place. Do you have any idea what color the ribbon is for 11th place? (Paused for emphasis, thinking I would know this) It's brown, MOM - the ribbon for 11th place is brown. Apparently the brown 11th place ribbon is beyond disgusting.

In other news - I noticed Maren was wearing one of Sten's tshirts to bed. When I casually asked her what the deal was, she said it was because she likes the smell of him. He smells good, so says she.

Unlike the dog who has apparently been frolicking in cow poop. Sheesh! I guess we'll have to dress Danner in one of Sten's shirts to see if we can get him smelling any better.

For the record, Sten recently won 1st place in a mechanical skills competition at the local community college. 3 cheers to Sten! Him's a smart feller and a good smeller to boot.

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