Friday, March 23, 2012

Decor on the Cheap

I have enjoyed designing window displays at a local florist. As with many design projects, the request is to make it look awesome, using a budget of $1.75 or less! This tends to make one look at ordinary objects in a unique way. A paper bag banner and tin can planters make a statement without putting a dent in the budget.

This wheat grass was amazing. The second picture is less than a week after the first picture. The stuff grows FAST and it is unmistakably springy.

I gave it a "haircut" after this picture

1 comment:

Didge said...

I love your budget decorating ideas! The grass is really cute. Your snow looks fun although I am kind of thinking out with snow in with spring flowers and blossoms! Great spot for the tub. Can't wait to get in it.