Thursday, April 30, 2009


I thought I would add a picture after a bath and hair -do. She looks a little Frankstein-ish. I've called the school and requested that they monitor her at recess, so as to not allow excessive jumping, climbing, or running. I suggested tying her to a chair, but they didn't think that would work too well with this particular child.

Well, I'll spare you the gruesome photos with blood streaming down her head before our unexpected trip to the emergency room this evening. Maren apparently fell while climbing off of a trailer. And, as many would know - head wounds don't just bleed, they gush. When I caught sight of her she was in Scott's arms and covered in blood - makes a mother's heart drop and pound and thud. She was a trooper at the hospital, squirming a bit when they gave her the shot to numb the wound before the 8 or so stitches. It seems as though the most agonizing part was waiting and waiting and waiting . . . 4 hrs later we were out the door - WHEW!


Didge said...

Oh my, that looks like a fake halloween wound...boy does it look painful! Poor Mare! I can just feel how you felt, that not knowing how bad it is yet till you get the blood washed off. Thank goodness it wasn't worse.

shirleyjean said...

Oh Maren Ouchie. Poor parents too.4 hours what kind of town do you live in? See you tonight. Love Mom

kaschim said...

I seem to remember that hospital as well.............