Friday, February 12, 2010

Happy Heart Day!

A few years back, I happened to spot a shirt that I thought Scott would like. It simply said, "Cupid rhymes with Stupid". Scott is quite a bah-humbug about any occasion that would require him to stand in a crowd of people and sort through sappy cards in an attempt to find the "perfect" one. Instead he opps for a last minute scribbling of his heartfelt feelings on a spare sheet of paper - could be a shred of newspaper, a cardboard box, or a lunch sack. He hasn't stooped to toilet paper, but I'm sure that's coming.


Sandra Ramey said... it! Happy Day to you Lisa! I always look forward to seeing your postings:)

Didge said...

Howdy sis! Love that shirt. It's almost as funny as the one George Hurley wore to our neighborhood potluck! Happy heart day. Love and stuff to you from us.