Friday, April 2, 2010

Project, Recycle!

What do you get when you take a stack of Hardback Books
At some Goodwills you can get these 3 for 1.49 or I found a few in a give-away pile. I didn't want them to be uniform in size.

Add some scrapbook paper, mod podge + old cabinet hardware

= a unique collection of vintage books

After the paper dried, I used sand paper to scuff the edges then I took a bit of stain and went over the scuffed edge to give it a more worn look. I added some details to each as embellishment.

To Market, To Market
These are my "goods" that will hopefully sell in town. I generally try to take a batch in every week. I scored that cool hat print at the Goodwill, frame and all. The pillars are from Habitat for Humanity and were chair legs that I cut to different lengths.


jessica said...

ooh! i love them!

Will, Shelley, Chet, Zane, Reid, Lily said...

Wow Lisa! I am always in amaze of are so creative! It's great!

Didge said...

Lisa u are one creative girlie! It is late and mom and I have just finished scouring the house for tomorrow's event. Could use mom here about twice a week to constantly wipe grimy little fingerprints off of the stainless steel, do laundry etc. She's great to have around. Dad and Ralph are cooking up a little project in the laundry room. Love the chair legs. Will keep our eye out for some frenchy stuff. Love ya

CabinFever said...

Have a great special meeting tomorrow. We went to a swim meet today in Woodburn and Milah and Maren were both rewarded with ribbons! They were thrilled. Somehow Easter completely snuck up on me and I don't know if we'll even get to dying eggs . . . what a Bah Humbug.