Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Teensy Eensy Secret

The elementary school that the girls attend has a big fundraiser soon and they are looking for an auctioneer. I am always (well almost always) careful to not "sign" up #1 Huband for things at the PTC without first consulting him, and I was certainly NOT going to sign him up for auctioneer duties. Well, he let it slip that he has recently been practicing to be Mr. Auctioneer while in the car. He tried out his new found talent at home and we were impressed! Give that guy a microphone, a bolo tie, and a cowboy hat - he's going to be selling "icecubes to Eskimos" - I'll try my hand at undercover super secret spy video footage so you can see him in action.


Didge said...

What a cool thing..I do love a good auction!

I am a said...

Ooooh - when is the date? We'd love to come and hear him twirl out the bids!