What a Mess!
Perhaps this doesn't happen at your house, but . . . we had a horribly unsightly closet and an unfinished walk-in shower that was the dumping ground for things we didn't know what to do with. One night, in a moment of brilliance (or not), I cleared out the shower area which meant all that mess was in our bathroom. Problem is, after going through it all - we had to find the proper home (or burial) for every piece. Many of the things belonged in the office, so that led to a thorough cleaning and refiling project. At one point it was difficult to enter or exit as the piles were heaped - you know the "gets worse before it gets better" state? The kids were shaking their heads, I'm sure very doubtful that we would ever see the floor again. Good news is - we found things that we'd been searching for and I invite you to open a drawer and admire our well organized office (give me a few days on the basement). I love the feel of "deep clean", but the migratory nature it commands is a chore.
I was hoping for a real picture so we could all see what pigs you are. Our house, on the other hand, would reveal nothing but complete order no matter what time of day you showed up. (if you were wearing a blindfold that is, of course then you'd trip over all of the stuff on the floor which serves as our second closet....)
Mess. hmmm It must run in the family. Yes I do know that it has to get worse before it gets better. It seems it is getting worse so I'm soon hoping it is going to get better?
I am now going to the basement. If I do not return, please come search for me.
I have isolated the main culprits in this house as the 1st and 3rd children. Maren, who thinks her room is clean if you can see the floor (no matter if it's a teeny corner) and Sten - who would have his entire wardrobe in the laundry room if his ferocious and nagging mother would just allow it!
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