I heart OLD cabinets
To truly appreciate this post, I have to take a little detour to last summer . . . one late afternoon Scott and I found ourselves unexpectedly dining together in a slightly upscale restaurant (our meal was not garnished with french fries). The food was divine, the weather was beautiful, the conversation was memorable, and the kids were in their cages in the basement absent. Sometimes spontaneous moments are the most enjoyable - too much pressure when everything is planned in detail . . .Anyway towards the end of the meal, I mentioned a Craigslist ad I wanted to pursue. The evening was still young, and even though the item was in the boonies - he was game. Down a gravel road, up a hill and through a stand of firs, we finally reached the address. A young woman showed me to the item, and I did a little bargaining (yes, Dad - I did). There were a few people wandering around and it seemed like an odd scenario - so we inquired. We were told that EVERYTHING was for sale and there were 2 barns and 2 houses that we were welcome to peruse. Roll up your sleeves Dear, we're gonna be here awhile!We didn't see each other again for about an hour - each spying out items that interested us. One of the items that caught my eye was this old cabinet that was buried in a dusty corner, piled with junk. I offered 10$, which the woman quickly accepted and Scott threw it on the truck. We spent 90$ and our truck was LOADED to the max -we chattered all the way home about our good fortune and our plans for the loot.
Recently, Scott begrudgingly helped me fix the old grungy fir cabinet (He'd already helped me with a few other projects). We had to put beadboard on the back and clean it up a bit. His attitude soon changed as we stepped back and took a look - it turned out awesome and I am having a rough time parting with this beauty.
Apparently it used to have doors - love the old latches
I like to run by the nasty thriftstore in town occasionally - I can only stay in there for seconds at a time as it is necessary to run outside and take in fresh oxygen. In the "free" bin, there was a stack of old encyclopedias (you know the ones that we plagiarized). SCORE! Perfect display items! SCORE! Perfect color!
I have a "thing" for tarnished silver pieces - these are very reasonable at thriftstores.
I'd never used Old English before, but it worked awesome for livening up the old thirsty fir.
YUM! That is a delightful piece of furniture! You did a great job, as usual.
Mrs. Hearts
Wow that turned out great. I glazed a piece of trim last night. I finished around 1 am! Sounds wike fun huh? The "Down Home Brown" glaze is almost like ours. It looks good if I do say so myself. Getting down to the nitty gritty here.
Lisa, that just sounds like a blast!! I think Dave could into it too.
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