Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Saved from the flames

We performed a rescue mission yesterday - saving this incredible piece from its torched doom. Some might say that is precisely where it belonged, but I see great things for this table. Bonus is that a rustic old bench was also on the burn pile - so we grabbed that too. Last week, my heart plummeted as I noticed that the pile had been lit and my table would no doubt be ashes by morning. Imagine my glee when I noticed that the fire had only partially burned - leaving my table untouched! The girls were not too pleased as the dwelling was right across from their school. We were headed to the back yard as the school buses rolled by - Milah was most humiliated and wished that she belonged to a different mother at that point . . .


Myra @ Busy Hands Quilts said...

Cant' wait to see what you make of it!
Mrs. Hearts

shirleyjean said...

oh yes I know someone that would have been very happy to find something like that years ago too. I think it is because I liked to scavenger at our country dump when I was a little girl. Your first little pink riding motorcycle we found at the dump. Already been loved treasures.
Will try to call tomorrow. Love from the land of sunshine and tulips.

Didge said...

Well, one time my mom made a quilt and then many years later she found matching placemats for her endtables. Isn't it wonderful.....

Angie Rose said...

adorable! great find!