Friday, March 23, 2012

I love my Dinosaur

Despise is not a strong enough word for what I felt when an overhead projector was used in class. I hated the squeaky sound of the markers and sitting in a stinky room with 25 sweaty 6th graders, copying mountains of notes from it's glare. Today, these dudes are nearly extinct.

I am so not an artist - I cannot draw a thing. However, this dandy dinosaur is going to help me evolve into a sham artist cuz I can print things out, and by golly - I can trace real good!

The school is letting me "borrow" this creature, until it is officially turned to surplus. One of 200, I'm sure. At that time, she'll be all mine and I will cherish my very own overhead projector. Who woulda thunk it?


Didge said...

It makes me break out in a cold sweat actually. It makes me think of a math teacher I had who would write things on there that I never understood and then rest his other hand on his beer belly while he explained it. Shudder, shudder...

CabinFever said...

Hmmm, I'm wondering what the name of this certain fella was? Icky Icky Ucky Ucky.