Sunday, May 20, 2012

Would you like FRIES with that?

So, I'm wonderin - how can 1 tsp worth of ketchup (in a packet) rolled and squeezed in a child's hand suddenly explode into a 2-3 cup coverage area?

Ask Maren who succeeded in making a gigantic mess in the pickup.  Ask Milah who got an ear full of ketchup.  Ask Scott who ran into the house fetching a rag to clean up the mess -sternly informing Maren - DO NOT MOVE!


Didge said...

I am soooo glad that your life isn't filled with perfect children or events. I would have to hate you for that. Thanks for being normal. Love from your sister.

amydee said...

I have often wondered why the laws of physics don't apply to spills!!