Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A Project Completed!

Our powder room bathroom had never been complete, until today. (what's the rush?) I had been collecting all the pieces for a certain look. The sink is an old enamelware basin, featuring rust spots and a few worn areas. FINALLY, everything is in place and I think I'll be sleeping in the bathroom tonight. Wanna come over and wash your hands?

Scott was eager to help me with this project - wallpapering the ceiling - UGH!!! Well, it's more like I helped Scott. I know wallpaper is out, but I thought this looked vintage in a good way.
The green is not as green as it looks in this picture
Insulator in the basement. Maybe I could master these stilts under
some long skirts and I would look tall and lean?!

Scaffolding in the living room. The kids are enjoying this in-home play structure. We are fixing the ceiling fan, dusting the logs, and washing windows in those impossible to reach places. Next blog post will feature casts and concussions.


amydee said...

Your home projects are never boring! Cute bathroom.

Krista said...

Love, love the bathroom!!!! Wallpaper turned out great!

Lenaya said...

I love reading your posts- you can always make me laugh. I bet it feels wonderful to be getting so much done!!

CabinFever said...

I guess it's a good thing to have to move back into your own home. And, with Scott not working for awhile, I can keep him really busy! My Dad has been helping a lot too, and he is a very skilled carpenter and project manager.