What you're seeing here, is one happy little girl (stylin' in her Where's Waldo? shirt). She is ecstatic to be riding a real horse and thrilled that she has had 2 lessons while Milah has been gone to San Diego, so this definitely puts her "in the know".
A tired toots hauling the gear to the tack shed
Spurs - every cowgirl's dream
Maren has been using a new term (technically) lately and it cracks me up - well, "technically", I don't completely crack up, but "technically" it makes me laugh.
Hi Lisa! We love your blog!! Tell Maren that she looks wonderful on her horse...someday she will have to show Spencer how she can ride.
Glad you checked in - we certainly miss you all. Maren thinks she's pretty hot stuff on that horse for sure - please give everyone a squeeze for us and give Spencer a wink and a pinch from Maren and Milah.
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