Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Senorita es muy bonita

It's tough to resist a party store. However when a party store is going out of business and everything is 90% off, it is even more difficult. I came out of there with a huge bag of loot for $8 and a few (necessary) items to add to the costume box. This lovely black wig was one of the bargains and Maren decided to wear it to school today - think anyone will notice?


Myra @ Busy Hands Quilts said...

Very cute! She'll have a fun day at school!
Mrs. Hearts

shirleyjean said...

Wondering how little "MARIA" did for the day. What a kick.. Grandma

Sarah said...

Ooooh, ooooh where is this costume shop, I want to yield to tempation too!!!
PS- adorable! :)