Saturday, April 7, 2012


I had an occasion to write a resume this week. It is not impressive. A short list of the jobs I have held and my accomplishments is not lengthy and would not stand out in a stack of prospective employees. But, "between the lines", there is so much more.

Years ago I read an article on obituaries - a brief biography of one's life summed up in a few paragraphs is utterly inadequate. It is difficult to truly know someone from those words. In the day to day, quiet moments - did they make their loved ones feel special? Did they stand for what they believed? Did they take time to enjoy the simple things? Did they "pay it forward" with unselfish motives? Or did they have a spirit of bitterness, envy and strife (I have, sadly, read some of those obituaries). These are the things that matter most.

My initial reaction to my disappointing and drab resume, was that I needed to get busy adding value to my "name". It was followed by a wiser and kinder voice - "those words don't tell the story". My role, it seems, is to support, encourage, and listen. I am beyond fortunate.

1 comment:

wendy said...

I think your kids are 'beyond fortunate' to have you for a mother!!