Here's an unfamiliar site in my wallet . . . a Benjamin Franklin! In an effort to track spending and keep a leash on non-essential purchases, we have taken to using cold hard cash. Somehow spending those bills is a little more difficult than whipping out the plastic - especially breaking a 100$. I was fighting with the cashier at the grocery store - as she had to pry it out of my hands to pay what was owed.
Just for drill, we used the month of October as a trial - getting our idea from a story in the Reader's Digest. My discipline slipped a few times, but the month was not torture. In fact, it took away the "appetite" for spending. Spending more time at home allowed me to finish a few projects, I made some money selling stuff on Craigslist (that we didn't need), and I felt more content.
I love listening to Dave Ramsey -have read his books and have been to his "Make-Over" event. He doesn't have a magic formula or some hocus pocus - he just simply suggests that people need to live on less than they make (imagine it?) he encourages saving, and believes that credit cards are poison. He quite often says, that you need to live like no one else now, so you can live like no one else later.
Give it a try for a month - it becomes a bit of a game to see how much you can NOT spend. Oh boy, I sound like a thrill - get a life, Lisa!
don't tell me that you have that same old blue wallet still...that should be a grand testimony to anyone who wants to know that you don't part with Ben too easily, or Abe for that matter. With your great savings in November, get yourself a brand new wallet at the Goodwill or something. Or splurge at TJ Maxx or Ross's.
Hey that wallet was a BIG splurge 10 years ago and it's still in perfect shape. I'll take your advice and head to TJ Maxx tho. I definitely won't buy a wallet - that would be a betrayal!!!!
OK YOU TWO QUIT FIGHTING!! Good on yer Lisa!! Love Mom
Boy, you sound like someone who signs his letters CV and got pretty upset at me for ripping a pair of his very sad looking undies up last time I was home, claiming that 'they were just barely getting broken in'.
Isn't it funny how it's a lot harder to part with the green stuff than to throw down the card?!! It's been funny lately - since we have an adult child in the house - they want it if ma and pa foot the bill, but if you say, "fine, if you want it you can buy it!" how easy it is to go right back on the shelf! and no complaints!
The comments section really made this post tho'!! Aren't we glad for family! Hugs to you all.
(PS We have really been enjoying your blog! Lisa!! Keep it up!)
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