Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Rainy Day Blues

The ONLY good thing about rain in the middle of June is the possibility of a beautiful rainbow. As I was completing the mundane task of loading the dishwasher, I glanced out the window to discover this bright (double) one that seemed to end at the pond. I donned my leprechaun booties and headed down there, but I guess it wasn't our lucky day.

Before and After - mower shroud, skirt, curtain, hangy downy thing so the hay doesn't fly everywhere. Sten and Scott have been busy getting things ready for Sten's first ever, haying season. Next year, it will be a cinch - but there have been many things to fix/get in order before the phone starts ringing. They fashioned this skirt from a heavy tarp and used rivets and rope to attach it to the frame. A replacement one was 300$, so I'm tooting their horn as big sav'n bargain boys today.

Must you take another picture? (I'm just getting started Farmer Putt Putt)

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